After the very first week of quarantine (which now feels like a decade ago), internet jokes and popular memes started addressing the “COVID 15”. The pun, of course, closely resembles the COVID-19 moniker of the current viral pandemic and is meant to describe the inevitable weight gain people are experiencing during this short season of more sedentary, food-filled days.
For some, the 10-15 pounds they will most likely add to their frame during this season of social distancing is of little concern. There are other issues that they may be worried about (and rightfully so), such as finding a new job, surviving the virus, and making sure their children’s education continues. For others, though, especially those struggling to stave off diabetes or heart health issues, the likely weight gain is a terrifying prospect.
Imagine working diligently over the last several months to comply with your doctor’s recommendation to reduce weight. You had successfully changed your diet for the better. You had introduced more healthy activities into your life, including a daily cardio routine. And it was working! You were losing weight at a healthy rate and you were improving your overall health and wellness. Then quarantine happened. It threw off your routine and the stocked pantry proved to be more temptation than you could bare. Unfortunately, this is the reality for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Tarrant County residents.
To address these concerns, Benbrook’s Renew Medical Weight Loss has adapted their protocol to help people in quarantine reclaim their healthy lifestyles without unnecessary exposure to viral risks. Their protocol changes include, among other measures, online video consultations and curbside delivery.
For years we’ve served DFW with excellent medical weight loss services… AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO STOP NOW!!! We’ll do our very best to utilize every modern technology and safety measure available to continue serving DFW with excellent customer service and the very best in medical weight loss care. This now includes ONLINE APPOINTMENTS & CURBSIDE SERVICE!
– Renew’s Website
If you are concerned about gaining too much weight during these uncertain times give Renew Medical Weight Loss a call at (817) 409-6265 and schedule a free, online consultation with a medical weight loss consultant to learn more about your options for healthy living. The consultation is completely complimentary and there is never an obligation to make any purchases. The Benbrook location is also managed by a Western Hills alumnus who has a particular passion for helping Benbrook residents. You can schedule your free, no-obligation consultation online by calling (817) 409-6265 or visiting their website RENEWDFW.COM.