Donald Trump Jr., the son of President Donald J. Trump, made headlines this week after he released a string of emails that indicated his willingness to meet with a Russian official last year during the heat of the presidential election campaigns. A media firestorm ensued (both on social media and traditional media) when throngs of people weighed in with polarizing, partisan reactions.
Do the emails released by DJTJR prove that the Trump camp intentionally colluded with the Russians to discredit his opponent? Or was Trump Jr. merely performing due diligence by attending such a meeting? I’ll be honest. I don’t know. These questions deserve answers, but those answers deserve to come from a better source than myself. Remember, this is the “Opinion” thread… and I am here to offer my opinion about a very particular, nuanced part of the President’s progeny.
Amidst all the talking heads, shouting keyboards, chaos, and outrage, one thing about the ordeal stood out to me. In the eye of the hurricane, at the center of swirling winds, was a man who seemed glad and willing to take on the entire world on behalf of his (seemingly) distressed father. I’m not here to make the case that DJTJR is a saintly man. In fact, I’ve read some of his past statements and social media posts and thought some of them to be utterly repugnant. But as a father to my son and a son to my father, I found this part of the narrative touching, even heart-warming.
I’ve seen this same willingness in my 11-year-old son, quick to defend his daddy when he thought his father to be “up against it”. I can also recall feeling the same way about my father, willing to take on the world and damning the consequences if I perceived his name, honor, or safety to be under attack. I’d like to think I would still have such a resolve for my dad, though I’m hard-pressed to imagine he would ever do anything to provoke the ire of the masses.
My point, I guess, is there is something very special about the bond between a father and his children. In the busyness of life, we fathers can lose sight of our children watching our every move, soaking in our every word, and loving us with a deep, fierce loyalty that we don’t even deserve. It is good when fathers are reminded of their impact on their children. This story provided a vivid reminder for me.
So, as fathers, may we be resolute in stewarding our relationships with our children well. May we be ever aware of the vulnerability of our children. May we encourage them and not crush their spirits instead. And may we show the same loyalty to our families as our families show to us.