How Much Longer Should Benbrook Remain a Dry(ish) Town?

A quick trip through the local Quick Trip will reveal that Benbrook isn’t a dry town in the strictest sense.

Beer and wine can be found at every corner store and grocer in the city. But no one would confuse the town for being wet, either. The City of Benbrook has a longstanding tradition of limiting the sale of alcohol that goes almost all the way back to its inception. Benbrook was incorporated as a city in 1947 and passed laws shortly thereafter (1949) forbidding selling beer, liquor, and wine. Benbrook’s first (incorporated) citizens doubled their anti-alcohol stance two years later with a majority vote that outlawed taverns.

According to Wikipedia, the most recent vote on the sale of libations and spirits was held in 1971. In that year, at the polls, Benbrook citizens elected to uphold the prohibition against most alcohol sales, choosing, however, to allow the sale of packaged beer and wine provided it was consumed off-premises. The sale of packaged liquor remains forbidden today, as do taverns. However, the city’s current website states that mixed drinks can be served in restaurants.

But how long should Benbrook suppress the sale of liquor? Would now be a good time to consider a few revisions to the local laws restricting liquor sales and taverns? This conversation doesn’t come without an abundance of polarizing opinions. Many fear that relaxing the liquor laws would lead to an overall decline in the quality of life for Benbrook residents. Others feel relaxed liquor laws would attract more business and provide residents with great watering holes.

What do you think?

Should Benbrook continue the tradition of suppressing alcohol sales? Or is it time to reconsider an antiquated law? Please feel free to offer your opinion below in the comments section.

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2:51 pm, Jan 18, 2025
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